#teamutiq has been further strengthened by the arrival of Alexandros Drakos as Senior Customer Success Manager, who will be leading customer post-sales and project management matters, integration, onboarding and customer operations.


Alex is a skilled professional with experience in the fields of MarTech, Digital Marketing, and Customer Value Management. In his most recent role as MarTech Product Owner at Public Group – one of the biggest OmniChannel Retail companies in Greece – he excelled in managing complex technology projects and collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver impactful solutions.


His expertise spans various areas, including Content and Technical SEO, Digital Analytics, Marketing Automation, and Technical Performance. Prior to his MarTech roles, Alex showcased his analytical acumen as a Customer Value Product Manager, in Vodafone Greece, effectively transforming data into actionable insights and implementing targeted campaigns.


Alex added, “I am excited to join Utiq and I look forward to significantly impacting Utiq’s journey, from the initial GtM of their groundbreaking Authentic Consent Service to reshaping the digital marketing landscape. Being part of the Utiq team fills me with enthusiasm and joy, knowing that together, we will lead the way in customer-centric solutions and revolutionize the industry.”

Published On: August 10, 2023