Utiq for AdTech

Utiq can make your technology and client investment work harder.

Current solutions don’t work

Existing targeting solutions are based on principles and practices that threaten the safety of digital users’ identities. By allowing identity profiling solutions, the digital advertising and marketing industry has failed to meet the privacy and consent standards designed to protect people online. Today, all digital users are faced with:

  • Non-compliant consent frameworks
  • Non-compliant data-driven and addressable advertising

Privacy and consent continues to be a huge challenge, and many vendors in the space are clearly not compliant with the requisite requirements.

  • Highy fragmented and irreconcible vendor ecosystem
  • Predominantly non-compliant consent
  • Fingerprinting techniques
  • Low reach PII matching
  • High reach 1st and 3rd party blending and aggregation (marketplaces)

A catalyst for collective change

Utiq is a European AdTech company that delivers a Telco-powered Authentic Consent Service. We are here to enable the change our industry needs.

Together, we can empower trusted and responsible digital marketing that fosters quality ad-funded content and online services with data privacy at its heart.

Putting people first

The entire industry needs to reassess its approach to data-driven advertising. At Utiq, we did it. We put people first with our “consenthub”, an easy-to-navigate service where users can withdraw consent in a simple way.

Our encrypted “consentpass” allows brands and publishers to recognise web visitors without accessing users’ identities. Separate consentpasses are created to enhance privacy.

Created upon data minimisation and decentralisation, the process complies with the toughest data privacy standards. No party holds all data. And users have true ownership over their consent.

Leveraging tech and client investment

Utiq does more than help redefine the industry by creating more secure and relevant digital marketing experiences. Utiq can help your technology and client investments work harder too.

Reduce the cost of doing business

Utiq is a more efficient use of operational investment – do more with less!

Say and sell more
when it matters

Utiq is more effective at reaching people who consent to your marketing

Discover our services
