Towards a trusted and responsible digital world for everyone

Towards a trusted and responsible digital world for everyone

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We are a European AdTech company
that delivers a Telco-powered
Authentic Consent Service

Built as people-first, we give consumers real control and choice over their privacy, whilst facilitating more
relevant digital marketing experiences.

Utiq also empowers brands and publishers to accurately address consented audiences through our
unique Telco-powered first party identifier that enables secure and encrypted, scaled addressability,
while embracing the very toughest privacy standards.

Authentic Audiences are what we enable through our Authentic Consent Service – accessible, addressable first party audiences at scale, without ever compromising consent or privacy rights.

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Real people at scale
Telco-powered identifier linked to humans

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Only ever consented
Unambiguous, transparent, trusted, privacy first

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No 3rd party cookies
Futureproof, right here, right now

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Only human audiences
Human consent means human attention

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Cross-browser control
Deterministic reach and frequency

The change our industry needs 

We are a catalyst for collective change. Together, we can empower trusted and responsible digital marketing that fosters quality ad-funded content and online services with data privacy at their heart.

Preserving privacy. Putting people first.

Our service does not grant us access to anyone’s telco data. At Utiq, we don’t track or profile users. And we don’t sell your data.

Our “consenthub” offers an easy-to-navigate service where users can withdraw consent with a single click.

Our encrypted “consentpass” allows brands and publishers to recognise web visitors without accessing users’ identities. Separate consentpasses are created to enhance privacy.

Connect over collect

Data minimisation and decentralisation

Trust over transactions

End-to-end: people, publishers and brands

Insights over identity

Interested people, non-intrusive advertising

Flow over silo

Frictionless facilitation of consent-enabled signals

Frequently Asked Questions

Utiq’s Authentic Consent Service empowers individuals to manage their online data and privacy while supporting free content and services funded by advertising.

Key features include the consenthub, a user-friendly dashboard for managing data permissions, and Consentpass, which allows website visitors to receive personalised experiences. Utiq’s service contributes to a safer, more private online environment.

Consenthub is a key feature of our Authentic Consent Service, designed to help individuals efficiently manage their Utiq consent preferences.

It empowers users to effortlessly withdraw their Utiq consents with a single click. Users can check the status of their service (whether it is active or not) and view any Utiq consents they may have given, by visiting consenthub and selecting the “Manage your Utiq consents” button.

By giving consent to Utiq, you maintain control over your data while benefiting from personalized online experiences. Utiq’s consenthub allows you to easily manage your privacy preferences, and your data is kept secure through encrypted signals. Moreover, your consent supports a shift towards responsible, privacy-focused digital marketing.

Importantly, by consenting to personalised advertising, you help your favorite websites continue to provide the content you enjoy, as ad revenues often support their operations.

As a brand or publisher, enabling Utiq on your website allows you to respect user privacy, and activate and protect your valuable first party data, while still delivering relevant digital marketing experiences.

Utiq’s Authentic Consent Service also ensures compliance with data protection regulations, providing an easy way for users to control their privacy.

For publishers, our encrypted solutions allow your advertisers to address consented audiences accurately without accessing user identities, leaking data to “middlemen” and enhancing user trust.

This balance between privacy and personalization can improve your digital experiences and driving higher yields on your inventory.

The Utiq technology is an optional technology. This means it is not enabled by default and can only be activated on your device if:

  • you give your consent on a participating website; and

  • you are using a supported internet connection provided by a participating telecom operator (see further explanation and list here).

You can check if you have given any Utiq consent and manage the technology, including withdrawing any consents you may have given, by accessing consenthub and clicking on the “Manage Utiq consents” button.

You can withdraw Utiq consents in the following ways:

On consenthub:
by clicking on “Manage Utiq consents” in the homepage of consenthub. Once you have successfully accessed, click on “View or withdraw Utiq consents”/”Withdraw Utiq consents” and then select “Remove all Utiq consents”. This will result in the deletion of all your Utiq consents, which means that the technology will no longer be active.

On participating websites:
by accessing the “Manage Utiq” hyperlink at the footer of participating websites pages and clicking on “withdraw Utiq consent”. In this case, consent will only be withdrawn for that particular website.

If you withdraw all Utiq consents (by clicking on the “Remove all Utiq consents” button), and don’t give new consents, the technology will remain off/deactivated. You can keep the technology off by using the reject option when consent is requested.


Giving them control and choice over their privacy

Brands and Agencies

Improving addressability and personalised experiences


Maximising monetizable audiences and optimising revenues


Collaborating to drive meaningful industry change


  • ConsentHub, is a key feature of our Authentic Consent Service, designed to help individuals to efficiently manage their consent preferences.

    It empowers users to effortlessly withdraw their consent with a single click. This means, should a user decide to revoke a company’s access to their personal data, they can do so seamlessly via ConsentHub.

  • By giving consent to Utiq, you maintain control over your data while benefiting from personalized online experiences. Utiq’s Consenthub allows you to manage your privacy preferences with a single click, and your data is kept secure through encrypted signals. Moreover, your consent supports a shift towards responsible, privacy-focused digital marketing.

    Importantly, by consenting to personalised advertising, you help your favorite websites continue to provide the content you enjoy, as ad revenues often support their operations.

  • As a publisher, enabling Utiq on your website allows you to respect user privacy, and activate and protect your valuable first party data, while still delivering relevant digital marketing experiences.

    Utiq’s Authentic Consent Service ensures compliance with data protection regulations, providing an easy way for users to control their privacy. Our encrypted solutions allow your advertisers to address consented audiences accurately without accessing user identities, leaking data to “middlemen” and enhancing user trust. This balance between privacy and personalization can improve your digital experiences and driving higher yields on your inventory.

United States

Powered by European Telco’s

Powered by European Telco’s