Towards a trusted and responsible digital world for everyone
Towards a trusted and responsible digital world for everyone

We are a European AdTech company
that delivers a Telco-powered
Authentic Consent Service
Built as people-first, we give consumers real control and choice over their privacy, whilst facilitating more
relevant digital marketing experiences.
Utiq also empowers brands and publishers to accurately address consented audiences through our
unique Telco-powered first party identifier that enables secure and encrypted, scaled addressability,
while embracing the very toughest privacy standards.
Authentic Audiences are what we enable through our Authentic Consent Service – accessible, addressable first party audiences at scale, without ever compromising consent or privacy rights.

Real people at scale
Telco-powered identifier linked to humans

Only ever consented
Unambiguous, transparent, trusted, privacy first

No 3rd party cookies
Futureproof, right here, right now

Only human audiences
Human consent means human attention

Cross-browser control
Deterministic reach and frequency
Preserving privacy. Putting people first.
Our service does not grant us access to anyone’s telco data. At Utiq, we don’t track or profile users. And we don’t sell your data.
Our “consenthub” offers an easy-to-navigate service where users can withdraw consent with a single click.
Our encrypted “consentpass” allows brands and publishers to recognise web visitors without accessing users’ identities. Separate consentpasses are created to enhance privacy.
Connect over collect
Data minimisation and decentralisation
Trust over transactions
End-to-end: people, publishers and brands
Insights over identity
Interested people, non-intrusive advertising
Flow over silo
Frictionless facilitation of consent-enabled signals