Utiq for Publishers

Maximise monetizable audiences and optimise realisable revenue.

Commercial Use Cases

Business problem

It’s estimated that publishers can increase their revenues by 70% via use of data, but most of the internet usage is not based on logged-in users. Without these stable consented identifiers, it is difficult for publishers to apply 1P data and make the ad impression more valuable for brands. The most valuable impression for brands is based on incremental reach – a measure that is nearly impossible to identify due to the fragmented and siloed nature of the open internet.

Utiq solution

Due to our scale and coverage, Utiq might become the only service that is required to activate the value of the publisher’s own audience towards brands, even without the user having to log in (when they have consent). Utiq also enables full Cross-Domain Reach and Frequency, and can connect audiences in “dark” environments, such as Apple or Firefox, with no 3PC dependency.

Business problem

As is true with all of above, publishers have a huge opportunity to increase revenues and better measure effectiveness via the use of the right consented data. But at present, publishers are dependent on data marketplaces, various ID solutions and AdTech companies to create this incremental value.

Utiq solution

Due to our scale and coverage, Utiq might become the only service that is required to activate the value of the publisher’s own audience towards brands, even without the user having to log in (when they have consent).

Business problem

On-site UX and messaging personalisation boosts brand bias, engagement and sales. But personalisation relies on logged-in or authenticated audiences, which many brands can’t obtain.

Utiq solution

Through Utiq’s Authentic Consent Service, previously unknown visitors can be identified (where permission given), enabling customer journey optimisation and reinforcement.

Business problem

Multiple supplies, identity resolution, and data marketplaces are often used – each adding cost and risk of non-compliance (consent legislation) to any publisher.

Utiq solution

Utiq enables publishers to consolidate and focus their supply chain activation – fewer, better partners and controlled reach and frequency – without compromising performance.

Business problem

Fraudulent data, identity and ad user behaviour continues to be a significant issue for our industry. This pollutes campaign performance and publishers’ revenue.

Utiq solution

Utiq only provides consentpass signals when a real person has given clear permission to do so. Utiq does not aggregate audiences, reducing risk of contamination. With this added level of trust and reduced fraudulent traffic, brands will be willing to pay additional CPMs and therefore generate higher revenues for the publishers.

Business problem

Ad fraud costs advertisers billions of dollars each year by delivering fake ad impressions, clicks, and conversions, leading to a loss of trust, reduced ROI, and a negative impact on the advertising industry.

Utiq solution

Utiq only provides consentpass signals when a real person has given clear permission to do so. Utiq does not aggregate audiences, reducing risk of contamination.

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