“Retos en el cambio del paradigma del marketing digital”

Changing the way digital marketing works is not easy. Moving from a technology or a monetisation first approach, to one that puts people first represents a marked shift in mindset.
The advertising industry, marketing and the way we understand digital content have already seen major changes, but the challenges of balancing quality, quantity, cost-effectiveness and privacy in the industry are still on the table.
At this point it is key to let the user know whether the data collected will be processed only by the publisher in question or whether it will be shared with third parties and, of course, for how long the information will be retained.
Utiq’s Managing Director for Spain – Monica Rodriguez Paz – commented, “Utiq provides a privacy portal that allows users to have domain-by-domain visibility into where they have or have not consented, unlike the current cookie-based experience where visibility is virtually non-existent.”
The big challenge for the industry is to achieve a more open technological alternative that allows all players in the advertising market to interconnect. This is the only way to progress towards a healthy, competitive ecosystem that offers value and transparency to users, brands and content providers.
You can read the full article here